
Multimedia series

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Healthy environments - healthy people: buy yo´ diversity

Healthy environments - healthy people: buy yo´ diversity

 Biodiversity is not obscure. Once understood, neither is its importance to human health. We are a part of biodiversity, and in all humility, one might be tempted to say an insignificant part thereof. But clearly that would be a lie. One glance around is enough to confirm the impact humanity is having upon the diversity of life. It is dwindling at our hand and before our very eyes. Yet those eyes at times refuse to see, or when they do, too often turn away.
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Blood and potatoes - multimedia series

Healthy environments - healthy people: blood and potatoes

Human health and biodiversity; the two are fundamentally inseparable. The food we eat, the multitude of pills we swallow for anything from the common cold to cancer all stem from living matter, the sum of which makes up biodiversity. Even oil and gas are nothing more than ancient biodiversity.
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Saving the roots of life

Safeguarding the diversity of life: saving the roots of life

Biodiversity means something different to each one of us, but we all depend on it for just about every aspect of our lives, from the variety of food we eat to the feel of the clothes we wear. Human development has so far occurred without proper consideration for the balances of the natural world. But our understanding has grown immeasurably in the last two decades. It is now time to turn thoughts and words into sustainable progress.
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Life in a slipknot

Safeguarding the diversity of life: life in the slipknot

Biodiversity is the sum of every living thing around us. It is us. By letting it die we are killing ourselves. Habitat destruction and invasive alien species are considered undesirable side effects of development. That will no longer do. They are unacceptable side effects and they must stop.
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Climate Change: a burning issue

Climate Change: a burning issue

Every day, everywhere, it’s getting hotter. The weather is more unpredictable, ice is melting, plants are disappearing and insects are appearing where they shouldn’t. These alarming trends aren’t new. There has been a lot of talk about the need to fight climate change, but disappointingly this has not been matched by action. Recently, however, there have been some changes that may yet herald the beginning of a new era in humanity’s fight against climate change.
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Hoper Glacier, flowing out of the Central Karakoram National Park is one of a number of high mountain glacial systems which are crucial to the water needs of communities living in the valleys around the park.  .  The management plan for this park needs to consider actions to secure sustainable valley irrigation and domestic water supply in the face of global climate change.

Climate Change: beyond mitigation

There is no doubt that most of the world has woken up to the fact climate change is a problem and one that’s here to stay unless we act now. So how will the world judge our actions in 200 years? Will we be criticized for knowing everything there was to know about the problem and still doing nothing? Or will we be praised for our fast thinking and action that averted disaster? Here, we take a look at life beyond climate change mitigation, examine where the solutions to our rapidly over-heating planet lie, and reflect on what our world will look like 50 years on, with a population of some 9 billion people.
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Multimedia gallery


Julia Marton-Lefèvre, IUCN's Director-General, takes us to 2068

IUCN looking back to the future in 2068

Will nature be safe sixty years from now? Has the world’s oldest and largest environmental network been instrumental in achieving its main goals? What will be the new focus of IUCN in 2068 -- conserving biodiversity or something that we cannot even imagine today? …  

30 Jun 2008 | News story

Park Güell - Banc ondulat